Logo Spotlight

I initially thought I wanted my logo to have some sort of graphic of a mother and baby, but my Instagram scrolling confirmed it was too cliché for me. Don’t get me wrong, every logo with mom and baby that I have seen are beautiful, creative and powerful, I just felt I needed to stand out a little bit. So how could I make my logo stand out while still representing mother and baby, without the “obvious” picture of their bond….I started to think outside the box. As I was messing around with Canva and trying to design the perfect logo to represent me and my business I realized I would have to change gears a little bit- I was trying too hard to find the “balance” with all the mom and baby graphics. (Funny because ‘Balance’ is my business’ foundation) If I used a scale would that be too predictable? Stock photos of scales made me think more lawyer and not Lactation Educator. I had to quickly steer away from the scale idea and dig a little deeper. I found myself drawn to using shapes and calming colors. I stumbled upon half circles…placed 2 side by side-it didn’t look right-scratch that- I put one on top of the other almost in an hourglass shape-then I realized it looks breasts stacked on top of each other and I’m not sure I want my logo to solely focus on breasts. I wanted it to represent the bigger picture for a breastfeeding mother, not just the act of breastfeeding. Then I started using circles…layering them on top of each other, putting them side by side….curving my business name to line up with solid curved lines to complete a circle-wasn’t feeling it- I found a simple graphic of a mother and baby and encircled it in a calming color…then it hit me- If I used multiple circles to create an abstract mom and baby image I could place them inside a bigger circle and BAM! My logo was finally staring back at me from my computer screen.

Why did I chose circles? The circle, as a universal symbol, represents wholeness, unity, timelessness and eternity. These are characteristics of a mother and a mother’s love. The circle in motherhood represents fertility-based on the concept of a mother’s round belly when she is pregnant. I chose brushstrokes instead of solid lines because they represent every unique path that can be taken in the journey through motherhood and breastfeeding while also representing a delicateness in that bond. The sets of smaller circles represent baby and mother and they are encompassed by a bigger circle representing life…. Whatever is going on in the “big circle” effects the smaller circles and vice versa. When you look at the smaller circles inside the bigger circle you can visualize a balance.

So there you have it, my long winded story about how my logo came to life!

Christina Agostinelli

Breastfeeding Education and Support brought to the comfort of your own home.


Preparing for Breastfeeding


Baby’s Belly Size