“Is my baby getting enough Milk?”

This is the question EVERY breastfeeding mother asks. It can be very stressfull for a lot of people to not know how to “measure” the amount of milk their baby is comsuming.

Some helpful signs that your baby IS getting enough milk are:

-latch is good and deep & not painful

-they are breastfeeding 8-12 times in a 24hour period

-they are gaining enough weight (measured by your pediatrician or other health professional)

-they are calm and satiated after feedings (milk drunk)-hands are open and relaxed

-they are producing a healthy number of wet and dirty diapers

-they have some awake periods during the day, they wake at night to feed

-breasts feel full prior to feeding and soft afterwards.

Signs that your baby IS NOT getting enough milk:

-Baby feeds less than 8 times in a 24 hour period

-baby is very sleepy, hard to wake up for feedings or sleeps through the night (prior to 12 weeks of age)

-Not having at keast 5 wet diapers and 4 dirty diapers a day by day 4

-Not back to birth weight by day 14

-hard time katching, painful, breastfeeding sessions are short and stressfull (less than 10 minutes), or too long and inefficient (45minutes+)

-showing hunger cues/fussiness after feedings

-breasts do not feel firmer, fuller or heavier by day 5

I want you all to have a successfull breastfeeding experience. If you are anxious or feeling like your baby is not getting enough milk-contact me and we can work together to ease that stress!

Christina Agostinelli

Breastfeeding Education and Support brought to the comfort of your own home.


Work in progress….


Preparing for Breastfeeding